Best Prayer for Breakthrough

Prayer for breakthrough concept: Silhouette prayer hand blessing God on blurred candle light with bird flying background

5 Short, Powerful Versions of Prayer for Breakthrough. Bible verses included.

Many, if not all, of us have one or more moments in life when we need a new idea, a discovery, a minute of clarity. It may be related to a relationship, health, finances, school, work, or something personal or spiritual.

We may feel overwhelmed, as if we’re struggling, as though we’re at our limit, crippled by fear and anxiety.

When things don’t seem to be going well or we’re experiencing pain, we may just want to get out of the current circumstances.

However, God often uses painful situations to teach us. If we can change our perspective and start new habits, the current situation will most likely look a lot different.

It can be helpful to have something that reminds us of the many things we are thankful for – we can write out a “Thank You” list to God or fill out a Journal of Gratitude.

There are many instances in the Bible of fasting going along with praying, especially when the situation had great importance (for example, the story of Jesus casting a demon from a boy).

Fasting gives us an opportunity to be less distracted (we won’t be thinking about what we’re going to eat next) and more focused, to give our undivided attention to communing with our Father.

Use any (or all) of the versions of Prayer for Breakthrough below as a guide when spending time talking with your heavenly Father. Scriptures are also included. May your journey for success be blessed!

Prayers and Bible Verses

  1. Powerful Father,

    I come into Your presence with a thankful heart

    For all of the many ways You have shown up in my life.

    Thank You for Your promise to never leave me.

    Lord, I am seeking a moment of clarity.

    I want to know what You have planned for me,

    I want You to break through and show me what to do.

    I pray that each move I make would bring honor and glory to You.

    May Your will be done.


    Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Phillipians 4:6

  2. Almighty God,

    I step before You now and choose to surrender my heart.

    My desire is to move forward in a new direction.

    I choose to focus on You instead of fear and worries.

    May I keep my eyes constantly fixed on You.

    I want to experience Your perfect peace

    That will keep my thoughts and emotions at rest.

    Please grant me confidence and fearlessness.

    I pray that You would lead and guide me

    As I lift Your name up on high.


    And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7

  3. Faithful King,

    I want to be set free, to move in the right direction.

    I choose to turn all of my worries over to You.

    No matter what the circumstances are,

    My desire is to have a peace-filled and joyful life.

    Please reveal to me what Your perfect will is.

    I choose to think about the things that are true.

    Fill my mind with thoughts that are excellent and worthy of praise.

    May I learn, grow, and be filled with hope.

    I ask for Your guidance now and always.


    So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace. Romans 8:6

  4. Heavenly Savior,

    I stretch out my hands to You now in prayer.

    It feels as if I am in the middle of a storm,

    And I need Your perfect peace that passes understanding.

    Please help me to shift my focus from the problem to You.

    I want to do things Your way, and I want You to teach me.

    I pray that You would turn my battle valley into a blessing valley.

    My desire is to seek Your kingdom first.

    I love You, and I place all of my trust in You.


    So do not worry about tomorrow; it will have enough worries of its own. There is no need to add to the troubles each day brings. Matthew 6:34

  5. Merciful Father,

    You are my stability when my world feels shattered.

    I am serious about wanting a leap forward,

    And I am going to put in the work that’s necessary.

    Just as many people did back in Bible times,

    I am going to fast, and I am going to pray constantly.

    Please help me put these new habits into practice

    So that they become a part of my life.

    May I listen to You and be obedient.

    I pray that You would lead me in the way everlasting.

    May Your name be blessed forever and ever!


    Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Prayer for Breakthrough

I’d love to hear from you! Please leave a comment at the bottom of the page.

Thank you, and it is my prayer that you have a very blessed day! ❤

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Here is a song called “Breakthrough” by Chris McClarney. Enjoy! 🙂

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